
“People who need people are the luckiest people in the world”. Life can be a roller coaster and there are times we need to turn to someone for advice or as a sounding board. A sensitive but still sensible ear. “Life Coaching” is a relatively new phenomenon in our society. I don’t know if one necessarily needs a “coach” but having someone to talk with who has had his/her own life experiences can’t hurt.

How does it work? The process only works if you can gain a comfort level in me as someone who can be trusted to listen to you and to tell you the truth. We meet, in person, by telephone or through Skype. We talk. If there is a connection and you want to continue…great. If not…no harm, no foul. You move on. But there is no obligation until you decide to continue our discussions.

What do I bring to the table? I encourage you to look through this website. My background and experience in business and law is well documented. My interpersonal abilities come from life’s experiences – marriage, relationships, business partnerships, mediations. Are you starting a business, entering a partnership, thinking about marriage, getting back into the dating scene or experiencing issues with an associate, friend or loved one? I’ve been there personally. I’ve been there professionally. Maybe I can help.